Virgin Islands Native Anisa Palmer was truly raised to be a born leader. For the past twelve years, she has put her passion on the front lines in the ongoing fight against breast cancer, which was begun largely by what she felt was a divine calling by God while she was in the military as a result of her mother’s battle with the disease in which she, unfortunately, succumbed to at a very young age. She now serves the greater metro Atlanta area in a huge capacity by providing much-needed resources to both survivors & those currently undergoing treatment for this horrific illness. As she mentions there is a disparity in care for people of color & she has decided to masterfully lead the charge to narrow this gap through her Faith, Compassion, & Organizational skills gained through her extensive background in communications as well as during her time serving our country as a combat veteran. She has won many accolades in doing so including being presented the Phoenix award from the former Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed for the City of Atlanta in 2014. During this year’s charity Art Jazz Gala for I Will Survive which recently took place on April 30th the organization aimed to raise their most ambitious amount to date at $50,000 during their event held at the Gathering Spot this goes to show that she is not afraid to put the money where her heart is.